Process of design and development of graphic pieces for the TVN Chile coverage of the 2017 Presidential Elections.
Proceso de diseño y desarrollo de piezas gráficas para la cobertura de TVN Chile de las Elecciones Presidenciales 2017.
The main concept is related to the confrontation of two political poles, the Chilean left and right. "Blues versus Reds in the search for a better Chile expressed in the central star of our brand as the final goal". Through color, the idea of poles is reinforced, and contribute to the pursuit of the contents on the screen. The project is done in two sizeable real-time Render platforms, Vizrt and Brainstorm. The results on the screen were made in Viz Artist, and the augmented reality was developed in Aston and Infinity Set.
El concepto principal tiene relación con el enfrentamiento de dos polos políticos, la izquierda y la derecha Chilenas. "Azules versus rojos en la búsqueda de un mejor Chile, expresado en la estrella central de nuestra marca como meta final". A través del color se refuerza la idea de polos, y aportan a la búsqueda de los contenidos en pantalla. El proyecto está hecho en dos grandes plataformas de Render en tiempo real, Vizrt y Brainstorm. Los resultados en pantalla fueron hechos en Viz Artist y la realidad aumentada fue desarrollada en Aston e Infinity Set.
Through our real-time render system of the Spanish brand Brainstorm, a green fund (Chroma) and a MoSys tracking system, we were able to make this series of virtual sets to explain data and figures related to the 2017 electoral event.
The virtual set allow us, in the first instance, to call the viewer's attention for the novelty of the experience and for the possibility of leaving us for a moment from the usual environment of the newscast, but we also visually gave context to the content that explained, setting as scenarios a 3d model of the La Moneda palace from the Plaza de la Constitución and the Patio de los Naranjos (La Moneda Palace inside view).
Orlando Rubina - Art Director - Prensa TVN
César Nuñez - Augmented Reality Designer on Aston/Infinity (Brainstorm)
Alejandro Pérez - Virtual Set Designer Aston/Infinity (Brainstorm)
Carolina Luan - Viz Artist Designer (VizRT)
Sergio Cisterna - Motion Graphics Designer After Effects (Adobe)